miss avery is very much a little entertainer. her preferred method of performing is singing. favorite song (currently): "i'll be there" by the jackson five. she knows every word (or her version of it) and will sing it while she puts her hands on her hips and sways back and forth. she and her back-up (emersyn) love to sing and dance on my bed and while listening from this...
avery has always loved loved loved to sing! ever since she was around 8 or 9 months she has been singing (i actually think she sang before she said many words or any phrases). emersyn is not that into it although she does like to be a back-up dancer.
**emersyn is dressed up in a princess dress (belle from beauty and the beast) and this would be how we spend most of our days at home...dressed up like princesses, singing and dancing... avery is usually wearing hers too**
other favorite songs renamed by avery: "mama mia" from the movie, "down down" by jay sean, and "single ladies" by the chimpettes (which has its own little shimmy dance)
maybe i have a future taylor swift..... ;)
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